SAEMC is an annual collaborative event that brings together both the exploration and mining industries in South Australia.

Guidelines For Speakers

Guidelines for Chairs of Sessions and Presenters

Presenters are expected to pay their registration fees as the conference is competitively priced and any profits go to local associations.

Presenters are to register and make their presence known to the chair of their session on arrival.

To save time, introductions will be brief mentioning name, company and title only. The organisers request an emphasis on activities and results on a flagship project or projects during 2022, with suggestions about future activities.

Historically the presenters have been Managing Directors, Exploration Managers, Project Managers or Operations Managers.

Session Chairs will ring the bell after 13 minutes from commencement, signalling two minutes are left. The bell will again be rung at 15 minutes and presenters will be expected to finish so that the next presentation can commence. No written presentations will be necessary.

Presentation tips

What’s Your Message?

  • Have a clear aim for your talk – say what that is
  • Focus your talk around the key messages – Keep your messages few and simple
  • Tell a story:  intro + info + summary + conclusion = message


  • Don’t run out of time;
  • INTRODUCTION – 2 minutes
  • DATA/PROCESS – 8 minutes
  • SUMMARY – 3 minutes
  • CONCLUSION –2 minutes

Tips for a Successful Presentation

  • Plan carefully and well in advance
  • Do your research
  • Know your audience
  • Time your presentation
  • Practice your presentation
  • Speak comfortably and clearly

Slide Content

  • Tailor your presentation to the audience
  • Content of you slide should highlight the main points in a succinct fashion
  • Limit the number of slides.  A good 15-minute presentation should have NO MORE THAN 15 – 20 SLIDES
  • Focus content to the key messages
  • Don’t overuse acronyms and jargon
  • Don’t overuse punctuation
  • Use the spell checker

Slide Format

  • Standard format for all slides – Use design templates
  • Powerpoint presentations should be set in 16:9 format
  • Clear background, no ‘noise’
  • Text should contrast with background
  • Leave plenty of blank space around text and graphics


  • One font only
  • Use a sans serif font (e.g. Arial or Tahoma), not a serif fort such as Times New Roman because serif fonts are harder to read
  • Optimal font sizes are 18 – 48 point
  • Larger fonts = more important information
  • Limit your text on each slide – maximum of 6 words per line, 6 lines per slide


  • Used to highlight key phrases
  • Can exhibit moods – green and blue are relaxing, red is urgent, black is powerful
  • Has limitations


  • Don’t overuse special effects as they’ll clutter your presentation
  • Only use text builds to help make a point (Remember they slow your presentation)
  • Only use one type of animation so the audience know what to expect


  • GRAPHS NOT TABLES.  Remember the size of the auditorium
  • Too much data = unreadable slide


  • A picture says a thousand words
  • Use them to break up the talk
  • Should enhance the text and balance the slide
  • No more than two graphics per slide
  • Good quality images only
  • Simple effective messages

Things That Go Wrong (remembering Murphy)

  • Too many slides
  • Slides too busy.  Keep them clear and simple
  • Poor layout.  Graphs not tables, bold colours
  • Too much text on a slide
  • Overly complex diagrams
  • Graphics
  • Cluttered maps
  • Blurry Images
  • Effects – make sure sounds and video clips play before you arrive
  • Format the size of the picture to ensure it fits within the slide
  • FOR SAFETY:  Bring at least 2 copies of your presentation on separate storage medium in case one is compromised



For further information please contact

Nicole Galloway Warland
0417 006 431

Organising Committee

Voting members: AIG, ASEG, AusIMM, and GSA.

Collaborative members : South Australian Department for Energy and Mining (DEM), University of Adelaide: Department of Geology and Geophysics