SAEMC is an annual collaborative event that brings together both the exploration and mining industries in South Australia.



To provide an opportunity for active SA mineral explorers and miners to present technical updates to their peers of activities on their flagship projects. Participants will gain an appreciation of the diverse activities in the State and gain ideas from each other to collectively improve the State’s chances of future mine development.


To hold an economical, no frills, one day, stimulating, technically biased, all commodities, all areas conference including new companies, exploration projects, feasibility studies/development projects, near mine exploration and operating mines. Presenters will be encouraged to avoid corporate backgrounds and will not be asked to document their presentations other than by providing a copy of their visual material. These will be uploaded to the SAEMC website, shortly after the event. There will be layout tables instead of booths for publicity material for exhibition sponsors.

Host Organising Committee

Nicole Galloway Warland – Co-Chair (AIG Representative)

Marc Twining – Co-Chair (AusImm Representative)

Chaoshui Xu – Treasurer (AusImm Representative)

Ben Kay – (ASEG Representative)

Jeanette Brooks – Sponsorship (Barton Gold Representative)

Anna Petts – (GSA & Student Representative)

It is not intended to have the agenda monopolised by any one of the above organisations; ie no time given to advertising each organisation or their activities, or search for members during this conference.


Friday 29 November 2024, 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, with drinks to follow (5.00 to 7.00 pm)


Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide.


Western entrance on Montefiore Road.


Abundant parking is available in the North Terrace Car Park – entrance on North Terrace at the western end of the terrace.


Early Bird
Ends 13 September: $275

14 September to 27 November: $330

Late Registration 
28 – 29 November: $400

Student Registration: $50

Online Registration: TBA

(all GST inclusive)

On the morning of the Conference, registrations will be conducted at the Convention Centre Foyer from 7:30 to 8:30 am. This will involve handing out name tags, a copy of the delegate list and the program. Registrations on the day is via the SAEMC website.


Students have to register and will be charged $50.00 for attendance.


Catering will be organised through the Convention Centre. Final numbers need to be advised 5 days prior to the event. We will arrange morning and afternoon tea and coffee breaks, and a light lunch. There will be post conference drinks, between 5:00 and 7:00 pm.


A professional technician will be at the venue on the day to manage the visuals/microphone. We will have a projector that is suitable for the screen size.

Bring your presentation on CD or flash drive (it is recommended to have two copies) and give it to the technician no later than during the break prior to your talk.

Presentations need to be in Power Point or as a PDF file. The organisers will take no responsibility for errors or the quality of the visual material.

The visual material will be uploaded to the SAEMC website, shortly after the event.